Odd Sock's Fact File
Odd Sock was made for Billy by his Nan, from an old odd sock.
Role in the Top of the Wardrobe Gang Team: ***In Charge of Coloring in Big Bits*** What does she do? Odd paints the backgrounds for the book pictures. Likes: All things that are bright and colorful, and going to the park to play with Billy. Dislikes: Being in the dark. Favorite Food: Ice cream Interesting Fact About Odd: She likes to paint with her paws instead of a paintbrush. This can get very messy. What she dreams of doing with any money she makes from selling books: She'd like to set up a charity to help socks who have lost their partners. She hopes to save them from being thrown away, and to offer them a safe place to stay. She then wants to help them to either be reunited with their twins or start a new, happy life alone. |